Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Here's a simple snack for the whole family!

4 slices square bread

4 tablespoons butter

2 slices precut cheese (should be about the same size as the bread), or enough cheese slices cut to fit the bread

1. With serrated knife, trim crusts from the bread Or if you wish you may leave the crusts on.

2 Spread butter on one side of each of the bread slice. Arrange cheese slices on the unbuttered sides of two bread slices. Top each with another slice of bread, buttered side of the sandwich should be facing outward (sort of like a reverse sandwich).

3. Heat skillet over medium heat for one minute. Put a sandwich on skillet, buttered side down. With a heatproof spatula or pancake turner, press the sandwich down so it flattens a little. This also helps melt the cheese. Let sandwich heat one or 2 minutes or until bottom side becomes a golden yellow.

4. Turn bread over so that the top side becomes the bottom. Heat another one to 2 minutes. Remove from skillet and transfer to a clean plate Slice into two triangles. Repeat with the remaining sandwich.

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