Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cuchinta or Kutsinta

Cuchinta is a popular Filipino delicacy. It always teamed up with "Puto" and can be served on any occasion. It is an orange or brown rice cake and it is good with freshly grated coconut.

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups water
1 teaspoon lihia (lye)
few drops of yellow food color (optional)
grated coconut

Boil water for the steamer. In a bowl, blend all the ingredients except grated coconut. Mix until smooth and free from lumps. Strain. Half-fill muffin pans. Steam for 10-20 minutes. Cool for 5 mintues then remove from the pans. Serve with grated coconut.

* Lihia or Lye is a liquid concentrate from the ashes of a wood stove. It is used in making kakanin (rice cakes) like cuchinta, suman and pichi-pichi to improve their texture. Its addition also enhances the color of food.

Courtesy of The Maya Kitchen

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