Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Make Coconut Oil?

Coconut has been part of the culture and traditions of many countries, apart from being used for culinary and medicinal purposes. It is one of the most revered item in  "Ayurveda" ( The complete knowledge for long life) , which originated in India. Uses of coconut oil include its role in the treatment of a number of medical conditions, like constipation, jaundice, swelling, toothache, scabies, colds, burns, scurvy, sore throat, etc. Coconut oil is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, soaps, massage oils and detergents.

Virgin coconut oil is said to be the best type of coconut oil.  It is made from natural processes without using harmful chemicals just to produce good quality of oil.  Plus, it can easily be made; you can do it yourself at home.

Here is how to make coconut oil, specifically  virgin coconut oil:

1.  Get a fresh and mature coconut.

2.  Split the coconut shell with the use of a machete or any cleaver knife. Be very careful in doing this. 

3.  Once you have broken the coconut, grate the coconut meat with a grating machine or with a grating bench. Place the grated meat inside a net bag.

4.  Press the bag tightly with your hands to squeeze out the milk.  Produce more milk by soaking the pressed coconut meat in the coconut water and squeeze it again. 

5.  Coconut oil can be produced from this milk through two different methods - natural fermentation and heating. In the first method, you have to mix the remaining coconut water to the milk and fill the mixture in a transparent glass jar. Allow the jar to remain at room temperature for about 20 hours. This allows the water to settle at the bottom. You can find oil floating above the water and above the oil, there will be a layer of protein, which is white in color. You can then filter the oil, which will be colorless or pale yellow in color.

6.  Another method to make coconut oil is by heating. The coconut milk extracted from the grated coconut meat has to be heated over a low flame. You have to stir the mixture continuously. The mixture becomes thicker as it boils. After some time, the oil starts separating from the mixture. The water will evaporate, leaving the oil behind. Cook for some more time, before turning off the heat. 

Once cool, fill the oil in a clean glass jar, which is devoid of water or moisture. Your homemade coconut oil is ready and you can use it for cooking or for applying on the skin or hair. It is believed that coconut oil is good for a healthy skin and hair. You can even start a coconut oil diet.


We tried to make virgin coconut oil last Thursday (April 14, 2011) and applied it on my hair :)


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