Monday, January 17, 2011

Won Ton Cheese Sticks

It's perfect for snack! :)

1 package won ton wrappers (100 pieces)
1 large bar Cheddar cheese (500 grams)
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon cornstarch, plus additional for dusting
1/2 cup cooking oil
Sugar for dusting (optional )

1.  Put won ton wrappers on a clean plate or cutting board.  Slice cheese lengthwise into sticks and set aside on a clean plate.

2.  Pour water into a small bowl and add the cornstarch.  Mix water and cornstarch until smooth.

3.  Put a cheese stick diagonally on the center of two (stuck together) won ton wrappers.  Fold the opposite ends of the wrappers onto the cheese.  Fold pointed end of wrappers over then under the cheese.  Roll wrappers just until the tip.

4.  Mix together water and cornstarch.  Dip a tablespoon lightly into the water/cornstarch mixture and use this to moisten the tip of the wrapper.  This acts as a "paste" to seal the wrappers.  Fold the wrapper completely and press to seal tightly. 
     Repeat with remaining wrappers and cheese sticks.

5.  Put all the wrapped cheese sticks into a large tray or plate and wipe surfaces with clean paper towel.  Or dust lightly with cornstarch.
     Put frying pan on stove and turn on the burner.  Let heat one minute then pour in cooking oil.  Let cooking oil heat about one minute.  Put 4 to 5 pieces cheese sticks into the hot oil.  Let cook until bottom side turns brown.
     Turn cheese sticks over to brown other side evenly.
     Remove cheese sticks from pan and drain on paper towels.  Repeat with remaining cheese sticks.
     If desired, dust with sugar before serving.

Courtesy: Food Magazine

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